"When I Dream !"
Last Update - 06/06/19

When we dream,   we dream of a world where humans no longer heartlessly destroy the beauty that Nature creates.
Please, Help us make our dream a reality.

Found an orphaned or injured baby wild animal??
Then immediately contact the nearest Rehabilitator, Vet, or Dept. of Natural Resources for help.... Do Not Delay.... The longer you wait, the less chance the baby has of surviving... DON'T try to care for baby wild animals, without help.

Nothing Beats a Warm Bottle!! - This little gray fox is one of a pair of females passed on to us by a fellow rehabber.  They're ready to be weaned and this is one of the last bottle feedings she will get.  

21 May, 2002
Maybe we can hide behind this Elephant. - At 4-5 weeks old, these little ones are quite shy and are hard to catch with the camera.   We will be preparing the large outside cage for them in the next 2-3 weeks.

21 May, 2002

Then There Were Three. - Our third female fox (front) arrived a couple weeks after the first two.   Coming from the same rehabber, she's about 2 weeks younger than the others.  However, she's very close to the same size.

16 June, 2002
My, What a Big Tail you Have!! -With more room to run and play, these little girls are growing in leaps and bounds.  Far too soon, they'll be big enough to release and we'll no longer be able to enjoy watching them run and play.

16 June, 2002

If We Water It, Maybe It'll Grow! - Build it and they will come!!  And keep on coming.  As humans continue to expand, more orphans result.  This young lady is the fourth Gray Fox of the season.

07 Sept, 2002
See, I Told You It'd Grow. - The girls decided that they wanted the flower pot to sleep in instead of having flowers.  So they pulled out the flowers and moved in.

07 Sept, 2002
Not just another Beautiful Face! - These beautiful young foxes will soon be free to run through the woods.   Though we will miss them, we will be happy to see them free, as they were meant to be.

07 Sept, 2002

Click Here   for our 2001 Foxes

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or Questions ?