"When I Dream !"
Last Update - 06/06/19

When we dream,   we dream of a world where humans no longer heartlessly destroy the beauty that Nature creates.
Please, Help us make our dream a reality.

Found an orphaned or injured wild animal??
Then immediately contact the nearest Rehabilitator, Vet, or Dept. of Natural Resources for help.... Do Not Delay.... The longer you wait, the less chance the baby has of surviving... If you've never successfully raised wildlife before, DON'T try to care for babies, without help.

What?  You Never Seen A Duck In A Purple Pond Before ??-   Seen here after 3 weeks of intensives care and physical therapy, this beautiful male Mallard duck was the victim of a dog attack.  He'll continue to recover here in our outside enclosure till he regains full use of his leg and can once again fly.
04 April, 2002
Ouch!, It Really Hurts!!-  Here the six inches, heavily infected wound on his back can be seen.  Along with the serious wound, he suffered from paralysis in his left leg which left it stiff and prevented him from standing or swimming.  His condition was critical and he was on the verge of death.
18 March, 2002
Now that's a BIG duck!!-  Here he is with some of his new friends a week after he was given a clean bill of health and released.  Following closely behind him is a female that had a broken leg and was rehabilitated by a fellow rehabber.  She was released here and by the next day was seen keeping company with the Drake.
06 June, 2002

Hmmm, Her Neck's Too Short For Her To Be My Mom!! -   The first Green Heron of the season means I have to start catching minnows.  And they eat lots of them...
10 May, 2002
Aren't we a good looking couple?? -   Well, don't know if they're a couple, but there are now two of them. Which means, twice as many minnows.  They were successfully released on 02 June and are doing fine in the wild.
18 May, 2002

OK, Fill'er Up.-   Almost too small to hold, they take special handling and formula if they are to be kept alive.
29 March, 2002
OK, who's off key ??-  Must be Mikey, he's never on key.  Open the lid on this crew and all you see is mouth.   Only a few days old, these little ones have to be fed every 15-20 minutes.
12 June, 2002
What's This? A Snow Bird ??  No, it may be hard to believe, but in a short time, this will be a beautiful Dove.   This soft white fuzz will be replaced by a full set of feathers.
11 June, 2002
As Promised! - Here is the same dove today.  Fully feathered and ready to release.  One more beautiful Dove to enjoy watching in the wild.
03 Sept, 2002

Comments, Suggestions
or Questions ?